Filem Baru Robocop Bakal Dihasilkan?

Deadline melaporkan yang pengarah sains fiksyen, Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) akan mengarahkan filem terbaru RoboCop, yang khabarnya bertajuk RoboCop Returns! Berbeza dari filem terdahulu yang hanya menggunakan tajuk RoboCop (2014), filem baru tersebut merupakan sambungan terus dari filem asal berdasarkan lakon layar filem RoboCop 2 yang tidak digunakan, hasil nukilan penulis skrip asal, Ed Neumeier dan Michael Miner.

Di bawah adalah sinopsis ringkas filem RoboCop Returns

"Anarchy reigns and the fate of Detroit hangs in the balance as RoboCop makes his triumphant return to fight crime and corruption."

Blomkamp menyatakan:

“The original definitely had a massive effect on me as a kid. I loved it then and it remains a classic in the end of 20th Century sci-fi catalog, with real meaning under the surface. Hopefully that is something we can get closer to in making of a sequel. That is my goal here. What I connected to as a kid has evolved over time. At first, the consumerism, materialism and Reaganomics, that ’80s theme of America on steroids, came through most strongly. But As I’ve gotten older, the part that really resonated with me is identity, and the search for identity. As long as the human component is there, a good story can work in any time period, it’s not locked into a specific place in history. What’s so cool about ‘RoboCop’ is that like good westerns, sci-fi films and dramas, the human connection is really important to a story well told. What draws me now is someone searching for their lost identity, taken away at the hands of people who are benefiting from it, and seeing his memory jogged by events. That is most captivating. The other thing I am excited by is the chance to work again with Justin Rhodes. He has added elements that are pretty awesome, to a sequel that was set in the world of Verhoeven. This is a movie I would love to watch.”

“Verhoeven felt at the time that making one would be de classe and he wasn’t interested in the politics of a sequel. Then, the writers strike came along in 1988 and we were force majeured off the project. They brought in Frank Miller on a waiver. He wrote a draft and then another with Walon Green, and it got made by Irvin Kershner, who directed ‘The Empire Strikes Back.’ I went off and did ‘Starship Troopers’ with Paul. Right when Trump was about to be elected president, [MGM president Jon Glickman] called me and said, ‘Did you actually predict in your sequel script that a reality star would run for president and win?’ We had. So Mike and I wrote a draft and gave one interview in Barbados and I think the only person who read it was Neill Blomkamp, and that set this in motion.”

Blomkamp, yang sebelum ini mengarahkan filem Chappie mengambil inspirasi terus dari filem RoboCop, akan mengarahkan filem RoboCop Returns dengan Neumeier dan Miner bertindak sebagai penerbit dan penerbit eksekutif.

Filem asal Robocop (1987) yang diarahkan oleh Paul Verhoeven, menampilkan Peter Weller sebagai pegawai polis Alex Murphy, yang dibunuh dengan kejam ketika bertugas sebelum kemudiannya dihidupkan semula sebagai cyborg pembanteras jenayah iaitu Robocop. Filem itu mencatatkan kutipan sebanyak USD53 juta di box office dan tiga pencalonan Oscar. Weller kembali dalam filem sambungan, RoboCop 2 (1990), diarahkan oleh Irvin Kershner namun hanya mencatatkan kutipan USD45 juta. RoboCop 3 telah siap pada 1991, namun hanya ditayangkan pada 1993 disebabkan oleh kebangkrapan Orion Pictures, namun mencatatkan kutipan yang lebih rendah iaitu hanya USD10 juta. 

Sumber dari SuperheroHype


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